Beginner’s guide: 5 Ideas for How To Be a Better Road Biker


For beginners always think that knowing the wheels is equivalent to riding a bicycle. But in fact, many beginners have neglected the skills of cycling, and the lack of skillful exercises may become harder and harder.

We have prepared some riding skills for road biking beginners. While you won’t be able to soak it all up all at once, there are a few things you ought to know about before heading out on the road.



Riding with a balanced and relaxed body position may seem like a fundamental expertise for a road cyclist, but it is something that even experienced riders struggle with and can cause upset for beginner roadies.

The faster you’re cornering, the further you will have to lean in order to get your centre of gravity lower, to maintain balance and grip. Unmistakably, there are limits, as excessive leaning does not help once the tyres can no longer supply enough traction to keep you upright and sometimes it’s a fine line between success and failure.



To brake efficiently, your front brake is there to stop you and the back brake is there to shave off speed.

When braking to go into a corner or moving toward a roundabout or junction try by pulling the back brake first. This will have the effect of beginning to decrease your speed but also settle the bicycle into a natural line that will enable you to then start to pull the front brake.

Keep in mind the back brake is for regulating speed and the front for really stopping.

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Shifting Gears

Effective shifting capitalizes on your impetus so that you can generate power as easily and efficiently as possible.

The mechanics and accuracy of shifting are no longer in doubt, but the gears you choose and the timing of your gear shifts can play a major role in your success as a cyclist.

Upshifting is what you do when you want to accelerate. Upshifting is shifting into a smaller cog on your rear wheel, which results in greater speed if you maintain the same cadence. Downshifting is shifting into a larger cog, which means less speed, and less effort, at a given cadence. Downshifting is what you do when you get to the base of a climb.

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Beginners frequently find that descend is scary, however, they don’t have to be if you follow a few simple rules.
Bending your elbows and loosening up your shoulders, while bracing with your forearms will guarantee you’re riding more secure and with more control.

Riding in the drops while descending is really more secure than riding on the hoods. Not exclusively do you have a superior grasp on the handlebars, you additionally have a lower center of gravity which implies more traction or grip on the road.

Do not be tempted to look at the ground beneath you as your riding downhill.

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Be Safe

It goes without saying that staying safe while on the roads is a top priority.

1. Wear a helmet consistently, even on short or slow rides.
2. Follow the local traffic laws for bicycles.
3. Pay attention to the vehicles parked on the side of the road, assume car doors will open.
4. We all love music, but there are more important things to do with your headphones while riding.
5. Wear bright or light-colored clothing during the day and reflective or fluorescent clothing around evening time or in poor visibility conditions.
6. In case you’re going out for a long ride alone, tell somebody where you’re going and when to expect you back.